Goodbye Covid (part 2)

Goodbye Covid (part 2) by Alex BerensonĀ for UnReported Truths – SubStack

click here for part 1

The natural and unnatural history of epidemics; the rise of anti-nucleocapsid antibodies

For the last two years, the world has run a natural experiment on how well different types of Covid vaccines work.

The United States and other wealthy countries relied almost exclusively on mRNA jabs. Those shots were largely unavailable in 2021 to poor and middle-income countries. They represent only about one-quarter of the nearly 13 billion doses administered worldwide.

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Instead, poorer nations relied mainly on Chinese and Indian vaccines that use older ā€œinactivated virusā€ technology. Essentially, those shots work by exposing people to Sars-Cov-2 itself – though the virus particles or ā€œvirionsā€ have been chemically damaged so they cannot replicate.

Throughout 2021, American public health officials insisted inactivated virus vaccines were far less effective than the Pfizer and Moderna shots.

This attitude extended to public policy. In June 2021, the Food and Drug Administration refused to allow use of an Indian vaccine in the United States. Americans facing vaccine mandates generally could not use Chinese or Indian vaccines to meet them.



Yet the countries that did not use the mRNA shots have suffered far less from Covid this year than those that did.

India provides a particularly stark example. Three major waves of Covid hit India.

The second, and largest, occurred in spring 2021, as Indiaā€™s mass vaccination campaign was only beginning. The Indian government reported that hundreds of thousands of Indians died from Covid. But the true number was likely larger and will never be known for sure.

Infections and deaths then plunged until early 2022, when Omicron caused infections to soar nearly to their 2021 peak. But deaths in this brief third wave remained much lower, rarely topping 1,000 daily, compared to their May 2021 peak of 4,000.

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